Hello people I do and do not know.Last week I went to the zoo with my cousins. It was so cool! I took some videos to help you visualize it better! We went in a bird cage, took a train ride and went on a carousel. It was so awesome!

Hi guys! Sorry I haven't put up a webshow in a little while. I'm in camp this month called "Let's Learn" and it's so much fun. I'm in a cooking class and a computer creations class. Yes, this is a day camp at a school. Hi to Natalie and Bobby(aka Maxine). Next month I'm going to tennis camp with my bff, Sophie(you've seen her on webshow #3. See ya! Bye Bye!


Hola! Did you guys like my webshows? I can't wait for summer! Only a week and a half until summer vacation. Next year , I go to middle school! Wanna know what's wierd? Even though it's so close to summer, everyone seems easily aggravated!  Whether it's teachers, parents, or people at school everyone is pissed off at the simplest things! Though I can be kind of like that sometimes... The computer is taking a really long time to load... grrrrrrrrr... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't written in a while. A couple days ago was my birthday! I got some great stuff from my family and friends. I got some kits, some clothes,some gift cards. If I had to choose favorites, one of them among many, many,many, would be a fashion designing kit that I got when someone took me out shopping. Sorry, but I gotta go. Bye!


Hi! Nat here! The musicale went great! This week I have no school for 10 days! I can't wait for the Easter Bunny to come this Sunday. On Easter, my family and I are going to some resort for three days and two nights! it will be so much fun! I don't have much else to say so, bye!


Hi, I'm Nat! Thanks so much for visiting my new site! Webshows are coming soon. Anyway, in school, we're performing a musicale called Compose Yourself. It's about a bunch of kids who have to do a report on classical music and when they fall asleep, they are woken up by the busts of the different composers that have come to life. Three years in a row, the play is about things coming to life (although I'm not saying that's a bad thing). In the play, my part is Student #2. It's such a cool part, plus I just need to wear my typical clothes because Student #2 is a modern-day student. GTG! Bye!